Friday, 14 June 2013

Day 2 - The longest night.

Well, as if the flight wasn't bad enough, last night was murder. Having completed a 2 mile run in the gym, I showered and hit the sack. Dud was already asleep. I'd managed to stay awake for about 26 hours so was expecting the old body clock to have adjusted somewhat. Having got up to the loo feeling i'd had a pretty long deep sleep, a check of the clock showed I'd only had 3. Still over 7 hours to alarm time. I must have spent most of those on the edge of sleep, eventually deciding I'd had enough, so up I got.

We've just had a rather generous but expensive buffet breakfast, with a lovely  waitress named Raquel attending to our needs. Needless to say her attentiveness earned a decent tip.

We're off out at 10:30 on our city tour. Weather at the moment is a bit dull but forecast is for sun and 70+ degrees :-)

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